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Our Story

Both simplistic and stylish, an unforgettable cigar accoutrement that heralds your arrival and prolongs your departure.
— Timperis

The Idea

In an industry of who's who and brand recognition, Sticks & Stones has brought its brand to new heights in the cigar industry. The idea was to create a functional yet stylish piece on our quest for perfection.

Our cigar sticks were designed to allow you to get more out of your cigar all while smoking in style. This alone makes it very useful and necessary. 

Style & Quality

From packaging, marketing, improving designs and every other facet of creating the perfect CigarStick, we are always on the search for unique beads and accents to create the perfect CigarStick. 

We have our own unique style, so much so, our product sells itself.

100% Handcrafted

Our cigar sticks are handcrafted in our Atlanta studio.

Our CigarSticks are consistent and inviting. We believe that searching for the perfect stones and beads from designers around the world offers an accoutrement that revels in style and class.